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10 VERY FAMOUS Quran Misconceptions.

10 VERY FAMOUS Quran Misconceptions 

In this lesson, we are gonna know about 10 most common misconceptions about the Quran.


They are as follows with the sources used in case you want to read and learn more.

Misconception # 1: Forgetting the Quran is a sin

Fatwa 1:

Fatwa 2:

Misconception # 2: More reward for reading the Quran with difficulty

Hadith used:


Misconception # 3: Makki vs Medeni

Detailed explanation: 

Book: مباحث في علوم القرآن   page 58 - الفرق بين المكي والمدني

Misconception # 4: Tankees of Surahs

Fatwa from Ibn Baaz:

Hadith that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم prayed with tankees of Surahs once:

Misconception # 5: Mixing between Qira’at

Book (by ibn Taymeyyah): مجموع الفتاوى للإمام ابن تيمية 22/445 

Book (by ibn Taymeyyah): الفتاوى الكبرى للإمام ابن تيمية 1/220

Book (by Ibn Al-Jazari): النشر لإبن الجزري 1/22

Book (By Ibn Hajar): ابن حجر - الفتح 9/38

Misconception # 6: Must close Mushaf


Misconception # 7: Mistakes of learning is sinful

Fatwa 1 :

Fatwa 2:

Misconception # 8: Wudu is a must for recitation 

Fatwa of Shaikh Al-Fawzan:

 • هل يجوز قراءة القرآن من الجوال بدون و...  

Misconception # 9: Maqamat is Haram

 • Can you use maqamat to recite/ listen...  

Misconception # 10: 

Fatwa from Shaikh: Asim 

 • Can we hold the Quran with our left h...

Video Timeline

  0:13 Forgetting the Qur'an is a sin => not true

  0:51 Reciting with difficulty gets more reward than reciting with ease => proper recite gets bigger reward

  1:56 Makki and Medeni surahs are about time, not about place

  3:19 Tankees(reverse reading) is prohibited only in order of Ayat, not in order of Surahs placement in Qur'an

  4:47 Changing Qira'at(Recitation Mode) in recitation is Haram => not True

  6:29 Mushaf(the book itself) must be closed if not in use => not true

  7:18 Making mistakes while learning Qur'an is Haram(sin) => not true

  8:29 Having Wudu' is must to recite the Qur'an => not true 

  9:23 Reciting with Maqamat(singing) is Haram => not true, only learning it and focusing on it is a sin

  10:43 Holding Mushaf with left hand is bad => not true

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